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"Think Globally, Act Locally."
























Tourism operations are encouraged to forge sustained economic and social linkages with the area’s local communities. Therefore we should attempt to purchase supplies locally and hire staff from the area. Travel  seeks environmentally sustainable economic growth while minimizing visitor impacts on wild lands, wildlife, Native cultures, and local communities by offering literature, briefings, leading by example, taking corrective action or other appropriate means

Eco tourism can only be fully beneficial when we sensibly and cautiously with a with a kind consideration towards our environment, our mother earth, and its residents make our move as a traveler.

  • Offer site-sensitive accommodations that are not wasteful of local resources or destructive to the environment that provide ample opportunity for learning about the environment and sensitive interchange with local communities.

  • Strengthen the conservation effort for, and enhance the natural integrity of the places visited.

  • Respect the sensitivities of other cultures.
    Be efficient in the use of natural resources (water, energy)
    Ensure waste disposal has minimal environmental and aesthetic impact.

  • Develop a recycling program.

  • Support principals (i.e. hotels, carriers etc.) who have a conservation ethic.

  • Keep abreast of current political and environmental issues, particularly of the local area.

  • Network with other stakeholders (particularly those in the local area) to keep each other informed of developments and encourage the use of this Code of Practice.

  • Endeavor to use distribution networks (e.g. catalogues) and retail outlets to raise environmental awareness by distributing guidelines to consumers.

  • Support ecotourism education/training for guides and managers.

  • Employ tour guides well versed and respectful of local cultures and environments.

  • Give clients appropriate verbal and written education (interpretation) and guidance with respect to the natural and cultural history of the areas visited.

  • Use locally produced goods that benefit the local community, but do not by goods made from threatened or endangered species.

  • Never intentionally disturb or encourage the disturbance. of wildlife or wildlife habitats.

  • Keep vehicles to designated roads and tracks.

  • Abide by the rules and regulations of natural areas.
    Commit to the principle of best practice.

  • Comply with Indian Safety Standards.

  • Ensure truth in advertising.

  • Maximise the quality of experience for hosts and guests.

Eco Tourism
Eco Locations
Eco Clubs
Eco Tours
Eco Homes
Eco Camps
Eco Workshops
Eco Villages
Eco Watch
Eco Schools


The travel is in the spirit of appreciation, participation, and sensitivity. At some point, a tour group becomes too large to be considered “ecotourism” 










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