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"Think Globally, Act Locally."













Our Mission

Our mission seeks to see that there is a thorough and correct understanding of the concept of 'ECOTOURISM' and that this cannot be viewed without realizing the very nature of 'CONSERVATION'.

We firmly believe that ecotourism and conservation cannot exist without each other. In today's complex world where there are economic considerations, which are far more complex and impinging on sustainability. This has created space for organisations like DEERS to work. Therefore DEERS aims at establishing sound management techniques for ecotourism. Our mission spelt out in our objectives is proof enough of that space creation. 

Ecotourism is "nature-based tourism that involves education and interpretation of the natural environment and is managed to be ecologically sustainable. This definition recognizes that natural environment includes cultural components and that ecologically sustainable involves an appropriate return to the local community and long-term conservation of the resource." 

“Ecotourism implies a scientific, aesthetic or philosophical approach.” The persons involved will eventually acquire a consciousness and knowledge of the natural environment, together with its cultural aspects, that will convert him into somebody keenly involved in conservation issues.Ideas are powerful. Ideas can move mountains and create just about anything. Ideas also just die. Millions of ideas just evaporate daily. 

An idea is about thinking. So in today's session we want ideas to flow like never before. Let us today understand and debate these very ideas that are being sown - not just as a fad but something that needs institutionalizing - something that would be at the heart of our work. If we are able to do this then perhaps sustainability is not too far off. This is what really would constitute that 'paradigm shift'.


Eco Tourism
Eco Locations
Eco Clubs
Eco Tours
Eco Homes
Eco Camps
Eco Workshops
Eco Villages
Eco Watch
Eco Schools



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